Re: FVWM: Making an app pop up on the desk where it was started?

From: Felix E. Klee <>
Date: Sun, 20 Apr 2003 10:43:33 +0200

On Sunday 20 April 2003 00:58, Mikhael Goikhman wrote:
> > when I start an application on a certain desktop, say 1, and switch to
> > another desktop, say 2, I find it annoying that the application pops up
> > on desktop 2. Is there a setting to force all applications and their
> > child windows to appear on the desktop where they were started?
> If an application sets a window group hint on all its windos, you may
> force them to appear on the same desk using:
> Style * KeepWindowGroupsOnDesk
> If your app does not set this hint, I guess, you may submit a feature
> request to that application.

Hm, many apps don't support that hint. But I forged a function that might be
usable as a replacement for Exec:
    DestroyFunc DExec
    AddToFunc DExec
    + I Style $0 StartsOnDesk $[desk.n], SkipMapping
    + I Exec $0

But this doesn't seem to work since the command name $0 doesn't neccessarily
coincide with the proper style idenitifier.

Any ideas how to fix this?

BTW, even KDE has that feature builtin.


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Received on Sun Apr 20 2003 - 03:44:57 BST

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