FVWM: Dedication of the next release

From: Mikhael Goikhman <migo_at_homemail.com>
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2003 01:05:00 +0000

Hello, all.

As a sign of the good will, the fvwm developers decided to dedicate the
next stable and unstable releases to all victims of the last war.
Just like with the previous dedication of fvwm-2.4.1 to the victims of
the New York tragedy, you are invited to add your name.

Please note however, this is not a political action, but a human sympathy
action (as a proof, the developers that decided to subscribe the
dedication have different visions of the situation), so please refrain
from spamming this list with your political preferences.

If you wish to subscribe the dedication, please mail me privatelly
with a short message "I want to subscribe, The Name". The text is:

  This release is dedicated to all victims of the war in Iraq that
  began in March, 2003. The following people, many of them users
  or developers of fvwm, would like to express their sympathies to
  those affected:

  [The Name]

I should add that one of the developers was highly distressed by a
decission to solve the conflict by killing innocent people, and his
morale to continue with our project partially depends on the number
of people willing to sign up the dedication.

Please be active (by sending a short message to me privatelly), but
please also refrain from any controversial discussions on the list,
we don't need to be divided. Thank you and peace to all.

Visit the official FVWM web page at <URL: http://www.fvwm.org/>.
To unsubscribe from the list, send "unsubscribe fvwm" in the body of a
message to majordomo_at_fvwm.org.
To report problems, send mail to fvwm-owner_at_fvwm.org.
Received on Thu Apr 17 2003 - 20:06:36 BST

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