Re: FVWM: a few Q's

From: Ken Deeter <>
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2003 22:38:58 -0700

> There's currently not a way to do this internally, *however*, Peter
> McAlpine wrote a module using FvwmPerl to pull this off. I've thrown it
> at since I don't want to attach
> it. I load it from my InitFunction with 'Module', and
> there's little else to it!

This seems to work pretty well, except that if you have ClickToFocus and
ClickToFocusRaises enabled, it only works if you map keyboard events to
GotoPage-like events. In my setup, I use the pager, and when I click on
the pager it gets focus, and because it gets focus, the FvwmButtons
would always be the focused window when I switched around using the

so my solution was to change all occurances of M_FOCUS_CHANGE in the
perl script to M_RAISE_WINDOW. Then in my .fvwm2rc say:

Style FvwmButtons ClickToFocus, ClickToFocusRaisesOff

so that the window that the perl script tracks will not be over written
just because i clicked in the pager. I suppose another solution would
be to make the script explicity ignore FvwmButtons or FvwmPager focus
events, but that seems like a bit of a hack anyways.. for ClickToFocus
type settings this seems to be reasonable.


I've managed to get fvwm to load as a part of gnome-session (from
gnome2). I'll describe the procedure here, in case anyone is interested

essentially, in my .xinitrc i say:

export WINDOW_MANAGER="fvwm"

unfortunately, gnome-wm (which is called by gnome-session to start the
wm) doesn't know about fvwm's -i option (as of gnome-session 2.2.1) so
you have to hack gnome-wm and add it in yourself.

If you use the default session, then fvwm will be started in a "restart
on death" type of style, so you won't lose everything when it gets
killed, or when it crashes.

A few problems however:
I can't get the gnome-panel to stay on top, and as it's drawer panels don't
come to the front as well.

Style gnome-panel StaysOnTop

doesn't work.. what could make a "StaysOnTop" not take effect?

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