FVWM: Titlebar configuration (a la SqueezeTitle)?

From: David A. Thompson <dathomp1_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Sun, 6 Apr 2003 09:18:44 -0700 (PDT)

I'm interested in setting up titlebars in FVWM with a
configuration similar to the "SqueezeTitle"
configuration in windows managers like vtwm, ctwm,
etc. -- i.e., a titlebar which only encompasses the
text of the title but doesn't necessarily run the
whole length of the window. wm2 also has something
along these lines -- nice for minimizing consumption
of available screen space.

However, after searching the 2.4.x documentation to no
avail, I tried installing yesterday's 2.5.7 snapshot
(nice vertical titlebar option...). I read through the
2.5.7 documentation, but came to the conclusion that
either it simply isn't possible to do this with FVWM
or else I needed some outside advice (I'm guessing
regarding MultiPixmap option or Colorsets
w/Transparency for TitleStyle?).

Apologies if the answer to this is buried in the
mailing list archives somewhere. I tried looking
through the few most recent months of material.

Thanks for your time and help...


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Received on Sun Apr 06 2003 - 11:20:05 BST

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