Re: FVWM: error: could not grap keyboard

From: Dominik Vogt <>
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2003 10:10:38 +0100

On Wed, Mar 12, 2003 at 07:30:27PM +0100, Siegmund Fuhringer wrote:
> hi!
> i've a problem and i don't know exactly what it is ;)
> after some minutes menus from gtk2 apps are not accessable until i
> restart fvwm.
> and if i lock the screen in this time (with xscreensaver-command -lock)
> i'm unable to enter my password. the screensaver just displays the
> message, that it could not grap the keyboard because it's already
> grapped.
> any idea?

Are you perhaps using key release bindings? (Key -F1 ...) It
looks like fvwm has reserved the keyboard for exclusive use and
never releases it. The one prominent cause for this I am aware of
are key release bindings. They simply do not work as advertised
and can block the whole display when something goes wrong.

> fvwmversion: 2.5.6


Dominik ^_^ ^_^
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