Re: FVWM: Installation - configure error

From: Michael C Meholensky <>
Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2003 12:26:14 -0600

I've checked the config.log file and found that the problem is in the file
the problem is in this section (of vm_types.h):

#ifdef __64BIT__
typedef signed long rpn64_t;
#else /* ILP32 */
#ifdef _LONG_LONG
typedef signed long long rpn64_t;
#else /* no long long */
#ifdef _ALL_SOURCE
typedef quad rpn64_t;
#endif /* _ALL_SOURCE */
#endif /* _LONG_LONG */
#endif /* __64BIT__ */

the 'typedef quad rpn64_t' fails.
I'm not a system admin and I don't know what this file is all about.
I get he same error for verions: 2.4.14, and 2.4.0

Michael C. Meholensky
Beer. Now there's a temporary solution.
                             --Homer J. Simpson

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