Re: FVWM: placing a window relative to another window

From: Uwe Pross <>
Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2003 13:34:55 +0100

Hi there,

On Wed, 05 Mar 2003, wrote:

> I want to place the pager and the iconman side by side.
> How can I specify their geometry to accomplish this?
> I am thinking about something like
> *FvwmIconMan: ManagerGeometry 6x1-0-0
> *FvwmPager: Geometry x32+<the x position of FvwmIconMan minus the width of FvwmPager>-0

I know my suggestion is not that convenient. I use a couple
of environment variables in my .fvwm2rc to achieve this.

For example:

SetEnv BorderWidth 3
SetEnv IconManButtonWidth 100
PipeRead `printf "SetEnv IconManWidth $[BorderWidth] + $[BorderWidth] + $[IconManButtonWidth]"`

Style BorderWidth $[BorderWidth], HandleWidth $[BorderWidth]

*FvwmIconMan: buttongeometry $[IconManButtonWidth]x20
## IconMan in bottom right corner
*FvwmIconMan: geometry 1x0-0-0

## Pager on the left hand side of IconMan
*FvwmPager: geometry 50x32-$[IconManWidth]-0

So if you change the size of IconMan or Border the position
of the pager will change as well.

Regards Uwe
_/ Uwe Pross                          ,_,
_/          (O,O)
_/    (   )
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