FVWM: about title bar

From: <karnak_at_isis.no-ip.org>
Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2003 00:37:46 +0000

hello, i'm a spanish fvwm user. i don't speek english very well, sorry.

i'd like to change the color of title bar, but when i do it, i can see
the frame color behind the title bar color.
        AddToDecor CDEDecor
        + BorderStyle -- Raised
        + TitleStyle LeftJustified Height 21
        #+ TitleStyle Centered
--> + TitleStyle ActiveUp Solid green
        + TitleStyle ActiveDown Solid #336699
        + TitleStyle -- Raised
        + ButtonStyle Reset
        + ButtonStyle 4 5 45x45_at_1 55x45_at_1 55x55_at_0 45x55_at_0 45x45_at_1
        + ButtonStyle 2 5 20x20_at_1 20x80_at_1 80x80_at_0 80x20_at_0 20x20_at_1
        + ButtonStyle 1 5 20x45_at_1 80x45_at_1 80x55_at_0 20x55_at_0 20x45_at_1
        Style CDEStyle UseDecor CDEDecor
        Style * HilightFore white
--> Style * HilightBack #ce8200
        #Style * Color black/slategrey
        Style * Color white/#336699

the fvwm version is 2.5.5

i don't know if i explained it very well. is it posible that i want to

thanks very much!.

 E-Mail: karnak_at_isis.no-ip.org
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Received on Fri Feb 21 2003 - 17:38:32 GMT

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