FVWM: Re: FvwmTabs v1.3

From: parv <parv_fm_at_fastmail.fm>
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2003 21:47:05 -0500

in message <20030116105408.A26503_at_aaopcss.aao.gov.au>,
wrote SCoTT SMeDLeY thusly...
> Hi all,

hi scott.

> FvwmTabs v1.3 allows you to resize an app in a tab simply by
> resizing the FvwmTabs window when that app/tab is displayed.
> http://users.tpg.com.au/users/scottie7/fvwmtabs.html

i tried it for the first time a few minutes ago. resizing is quite
odd in the sense i would have expected the -Tabs (FvwmTabs) window
size to remain the same when switching from one sized window to

-Tabs would have added empty space when switching to a smaller sized
window (from a larger one). it follows that -Tabs window size would
be the composed of largest of widths & largest of heights to reduce
the flashing.

running applications in ion in vnc in fvwm -- at the costs (1) of
two sets of key bindings, (2) difficult job of sharing copy buffer
among applications, and (3) avoiding xv (in ion) -- is just as
easy or painful as far as concept of running application in tabs go.

  - parv

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Received on Wed Jan 15 2003 - 20:45:44 GMT

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