Re: FVWM: fvwm beautiful?

From: Dominik Vogt <>
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2003 10:34:48 +0100

On Wed, Jan 15, 2003 at 10:23:43AM +0100, Gert Brinkmann wrote:
> Rob Park wrote:
> >You might have liked my old fvwm config. There were no permanent UI
> >elements... (no taskbar, nothing like that. you had the whole screen to
> >maximize a window).
> >
> >Left clicking on the desktop got you a transient pager, middle clicking
> >got you a list of running programs, and right clicking got you a menu
> >for launching apps. _extremely_ minimalistic, moreso than blackbox ;)
> This sounds interesting. But what i dislike a little bit are the
> required clicks onto the desktop. This means that you always have to see
> a part of the root-window. Perhaps a good approach for this was, having
> 1 pixel at the borders always uncovered (you should not be allowed to
> maximize, resize or move windows about this 1 pixel area). Is this
> possible somehow? Alternatively i would use hotkeys.

I have my root menu bound to Alt-Space and am quite happy with it.
I tried binding it to a Shift-Button2 click on the window
decorations too, but I never got used to it. Requires too much
thinking where the pointer is.


Dominik ^_^ ^_^
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Received on Wed Jan 15 2003 - 03:34:41 GMT

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