FVWM: fvwm 2.5.5-1 package on fvwm-themes.sourceforge.net

From: Len Philpot <len_at_philpot.org>
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 20:33:02 -0600

I'm currently running 2.4.6-1, once again. The reason I say 'again', is
that I just downloaded and installed the 2.5.5-1 rpm from
fvwm-themes.sourceforge.net. Once installed, I logged out and back in
again, everything apparently running OK. However, I still had 2.4.6 on
the system, so I rpm -e'd it.

Apparently, FvwmForm (and what else?) is in a different location, at
least in that package, since it was no longer available after I removed
2.4.6. With 2.4.6, it's in /usr/X11R6/share/fvwm2, but not in 2.5.5. In
fact, there's no fvwm* at all under /usr/X11R6/share with 2.5.5. Once I
removed 2.5.5 and put 2.4.6 back, it's all OK again.

Did I miss something? Is FvwmForm no longer included? Without, I can't
even properly logout, since I use it for a logout dialog, among other
things. My path is pretty comprehensive, unless it's put somewhere
rather obscure.


|  Len Philpot       ><>         http://philpot.org/  |
|  len_at_philpot.org     len_philpot_at_hotmail.com (alt)  |
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Received on Mon Jan 13 2003 - 20:34:45 GMT

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