FVWM: Iconification and PlaceAgain problem

From: Marcin Pawlik <marcinp_at_pwr.wroc.pl>
Date: Tue, 31 Dec 2002 18:36:51 +0100

I have a problem with PlaceAgain command on windows which were
previously iconified. If I iconify a window, move (GotoDesk) to another
desktop then deiconify the window and do PlaceAgain for it, the window
is moved to the desk where it was created.

I read the CMD_PlaceAgain function code (placement.c) and I think the
problem is in PlaceWindow function invocation. It's called with
SGET_START_DESK(style). I don't understand what it really is but looks
like a desktop number the window was created on incremented by one (but
only for desktop numbers bigger than 0 - a kind of black magic for me).
The "start desk" number is changed in PlaceWindow (line 677 in CVS
version from 31.12) back to the "fvwm desk number" and then the window
desktop number is set to it.

I tried to change PlaceWindow call in CMD_PlaceAgain function so that it
has 0 instead of SGET_START_DESK(style).
The window placement in PlaceWindow is changed (I have no idea why) only:
"if(SUSE_START_ON_DESK(sflags) && Desk && flags.do_honor_starts_on_page)"
(line 676).

So when Desk == 0 it works as I expected, but it's probably not the

Maybe someone with a better code knowledge could look at it?


Marcin Pawlik
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Received on Tue Dec 31 2002 - 11:38:22 GMT

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