From: Postmaster <postmaster_at_northeastpa.com>
Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2002 18:50:31 -0500

The mail server at northeastpa.com has reported that you were
sent an E-mail from bridget_at_northeastpa.com, containing the : W32/Klez.H_at_mm virus in the
now.bat attachment. The subject of the E-mail was "Here to find someone close by where you are".
The E-mail containing the virus has been quarantined to prevent further damage.
We are glad we were able to prevent any problem this may have caused you.
Though we make every effort to intercept viruses, please protect yourself.

Thank You

IAS Support Staff
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Received on Tue Dec 03 2002 - 18:00:38 GMT

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