Re: FVWM: Everything stops when moving around windows

From: Dominik Vogt <>
Date: Mon, 2 Dec 2002 10:37:56 +0100

On Sun, Dec 01, 2002 at 11:01:57PM -0800, Erik Steffl wrote:
> Mikhael Goikhman wrote:
> >On 30 Nov 2002 15:52:05 +0100, Tor Stormwall wrote:
> >
> >>When I for example play a movie and at the same time moving a window
> >>the movie stops, so do the rest of the screen. Everything stops
> >>completely. After I've moved the window to my wanted location
> >>everything works fine again.
> >>The problem occurs not only when playing movies but all the times I
> >>move something on the screen.
> >>
> >>Do I need a special configuration or something?
> >>
> >>I'm using the latest stable release of fvwm2 on a NetBSD 1.6 machine.
> >
> >
> >The following should solve your problem:
> >
> > OpaqueMoveSize 200
> >
> >The outline move, although a bit faster, grabs X, so don't use it
> >if you run "real-time" updating applications (video, monitors).
> does outline move have to grab X? it seems like most evil thing (in
> context given context:-), turning nice multitasking system into a one
> task dos piece of crap, even if it's for few moments only (mostly).

The reason is mainly backward compatibility. We could also draw
the wire frame into separate windows and fill it with a pattern
that gives a good contrast. But we could not have the current
"Xor" effect.

> the move could be excusable but the bigger problem is placement of
> new windows - if you have manual placement, the new window (e.g. browser
> popup add) stops the whole system (well, all X programs) from working.
> that's quite nasty. IIRC the placement of new windows always uses
> outline so your workaround wouldn't work. [yes, I know I can disable
> popups:-) that's not the point]

In Windoze, they have "solved" the problem by simply aborting
moving/resizing when a new window appears. Personally I wonder
why people want manual placement at all. I think it is a big

> OT: am I the only one (ignorant of details of X internals:-) wishing
> grabbing the server was not introduced at all?

Sometimes it can hardly be avoided, but I agree that grabbing the
server for more than a few milliseconds is not such a good idea.
The whole "grabbing" implementation (server, keyboard, mouse) is
flawed and a rich source of problems. It is definitely overused
in fvwm and probably in many other window managers and
applications too.


Dominik ^_^ ^_^
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