FVWM: bug in fvwm-2.4.13 ??

From: Peter Breitenlohner <peb_at_mppmu.mpg.de>
Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2002 18:22:48 +0100 (CET)


I recently built and installed fvwm-2.4.13 (on i686-linux-gnu), upgrading
from 2.4.7. Almost everything works fine,

BUT: after a fvwm-restart all icons are in front of all windows, AND raising
a window does NOT bring the window in front of the icons. The only remedy I
found was to deiconify+iconify all icons. The config file is unchanged!

Is this problem known?
Any chance to get it fixed soon?

Please reply directly to me, I am not on this list.

Peter Breitenlohner <peb_at_mppmu.mpg.de>

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Received on Thu Nov 21 2002 - 11:24:41 GMT

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