Re: FVWM: Switching on page/desk with keyboard and focussing window

From: Peter McAlpine <>
Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2002 09:06:59 -0500

On Wed, Nov 20, 2002 at 03:24:04PM +0100, Jason Friedrich wrote:
> Hello everybody,


> Is it possible (perhaps with AddFunc) that Fvwm2 changes to a
> desktop/page, remembers the last focused window and focus and raise it?
> That would be great because i have the problem that i switch to a
> desktop, type with my keyboard and recognize then that the window i want
> to type in, is not focused :)=)

here's a little hack^H^H^H^Hscript I wrote to do just what you are looking
for. You'll need fvwm version 2.5.x I think (for the perl libs), I use
cvs 2.5.5. I just added desk switching support.

NOTE:: Mikhael may be referring to a different solution, to which I am not
aware of...


Copy to your $FVWM_MODULEDIR and then add:

AddToFunc StartFunction
        + I Module

to your .fvwm2rc

Restart and you're good to go.

Peter McAlpine

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Received on Thu Nov 21 2002 - 08:05:29 GMT

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