Re: FVWM: Is there any placement style that means "always in center of screen"?

From: Francis Litterio <>
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 10:35:12 -0500

Mikhael Goikhman <> writes:

> On 07 Nov 2002 11:59:06 -0500, Francis Litterio wrote:
>> I just read the "Window Manager placement" subsection of the Style
>> command section in the man page, and I can't see a way to tell FVWM to
>> always place new windows in the center of the screen.

>> Is there any way to configure FVMW to do that?
> See FAQ #3.18 and #7.14 to get an idea how to do this for some or all
> windows. I hope you may combine these two into one solution yourself.


Based on your advice, I was able to make new FVWM-placed windows appear
in a consistent location (though not exactly centered on the screen)
with this code in my .fvwm2rc file:

        DestroyFunc MyCenterWindow
        AddToFunc MyCenterWindow
        + I WindowId $0 (PlacedByFvwm) Move 25 25

        *FvwmEvent: StartDelay 5
        *FvwmEvent: Cmd
        *FvwmEvent: PassID
        *FvwmEvent: add_window "Function MyCenterWindow"

Francis Litterio
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