FVWM: fvwm-perl tutorial example

From: Peter McAlpine <pmcalpin_at_uoguelph.ca>
Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2002 22:24:34 -0500


I'm trying to write a Perl module... and am getting tripped up trying
to figure out what the new page is upon a M_NEW_PAGE.

My problem is that M_NEW_PAGE->_vp_width/height only give me the
maximum width/height for the top left corner... but I need the top
right to figure out what page was just switched to, don't I (I can't
assume the screen res)? The only thing I can think of to fix this is
to have DeskTopSize inputted as a config option.

I tried using the module-flash _at_:

But it has the same problem I'm having, it doesn't report the correct
page (as it claims it will).

peter =)

Peter McAlpine
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