FVWM: WindowList question

From: Eduardo Gargiulo <ejg-fvwm_at_ar.homelinux.org>
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2002 17:27:59 -0300

Hi all.

I have a question about WindowList; it's bound to mouse button 3 and
Alt+F4 key. Both actions shows me WindowList, but when I use Alt+F4 the
window doesn't allows me to choose a window using up/down arrow keys,
I can only choose them with mouse pointer, and if i release the Alt
key, the WindowList disappear. How can I configure the key binding so
that WindowList stay on top until i choose a window with up/down arrows?

thanks and sorry for my english (i'm using FVWM version 2.4.6 ).

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