Re: FVWM: Problems installing fvwmthemes

From: Mikhael Goikhman <>
Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2002 21:43:11 +0000

On 13 Oct 2002 21:38:44 -0400, George Avrunin wrote:
> I'm having the same problem as Andre Bonhote on Red Hat 8.0: I get
> the following behavior:
> [root_at_ext2 themes]# fvwm-themes-config --site --reset
> Warning: unknown entry [t0c0], ignoring...
> Incorrect line key value, not enough +'s

Ok, after some debugging, I see what happens. And what I see is pretty
oppressing. With unicode locale and perl-5.8.0, but not perl-5.6.0, the
first lc("theme") returns "t0c0".

This is weird, because: 1) the same lc("theme") returns "theme" later,
2) I can't create a minimal perl script reproducing this problem,
3) I can't see how lc("theme") may become "t0c0" even with unicode.

My current hypothesis is a bug in perl-5.8.0, I am checking this.

Anyway, here is a workaround. Replace "lc($1)" with "$1" in
fvwm-themes-config[.in]. Another possibility is to run under older perl
or under non-unicode locale, so the following should work:

  env LANG=C make install

I can't guarantee that the rest will work though (try it) if there is
such fundamental bug.

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