On Mon, Oct 07, 2002 at 10:05:09AM +1000, Russell wrote:
> Hi,
> I've got two video cards installed with their own monitors.
> I'm trying to get both monitors to have an identical display.
Assuming you use XFree86, you have to decide if you want to use
Xinerama or an old style multi head setup. With Xinerama, you
get one big logical screen (usually ":0.0") and you can move
windows between the two screens, but both screens must have the
same number of bitplanes (colours). With the other setup you get
two logical screens (":0.0" and ":0.1"). A separate copy of fvwm
runs on both screens. Windows can not be moved from one screen to
the other, but both screens can have a different number of
bitplanes. I recommend to use the Xinerama setup if possible, but
I can't help you to bring it up.
> The first monitor works ok, but the second monitor only shows
> the default grey background of X, the fvwm pager, and has no
> mouse pointer or other windows. How can i do that?
In both setups you can transfer the pointer between both monitors
by simply moving it over the adjacent edge of the screen. To
start the application windows, modify your .fvwm2rc. Look for the
StartFunction, InitFunction and RestartFunction definitions and
start the applications you need on both screens. With Xinerama
it's pretty straightforward. With a multi head setup you can add
a line
Read .fvwm2rc.$[screen]
somewhere in your .fvwm2rc file and add screen specific commands
in these files:
For example, my .fvwm2rc.0 is empty while my .fvwm2rc.1 looks like
DestroyFunc InitFunction
AddToFunc InitFunction
+ I StandardSetup
The "StandardSetup" function takes care of bringing up my terminal
windows and fvwm modules on the current screen.
There are some paragraphs about Xinerama setups in the fvwm man
page that you should read if you go with Xinerama.
Dominik ^_^ ^_^
Dominik Vogt, dominik.vogt_at_gmx.de
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Received on Mon Oct 07 2002 - 12:29:54 BST