FVWM: FvwmPager in 2.4.9, tips have no background

From: John Latham <jtl_at_cs.man.ac.uk>
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2002 17:13:45 +0100

I'm sure other's must have spotted this, but I can't find a bug report so just
in case:

The balloon windows on the pager have no background -- they appear clear,
except for the label and the think black border. This is when using:

        *FvwmPagerBalloonBack bisque

and other colours. I haven't tried using a pixmap or a colour set (which may
explain why it has gone unnoticed by many...). I think there may have been
some finger trouble in the latest set of edits -- removing some extraneous
lines, as in the patch below seems to make it work again.

Best wishes, John Latham

--- fvwm-2.4.9/modules/FvwmPager/x_pager.c.jtl Sat Jul 13 23:01:45 2002
+++ fvwm-2.4.9/modules/FvwmPager/x_pager.c Mon Sep 9 04:14:17 2002
_at_@ -945,14 +945,6 @@
        Desks[i].balloon.yoffset = 3;
- /* create balloon window
- -- ric_at_giccs.georgetown.edu */
- valuemask = CWOverrideRedirect | CWEventMask | CWColormap;
- /* tell WM to ignore this window */
- attributes.override_redirect = True;
- attributes.event_mask = ExposureMask;
- attributes.colormap = Pcmap;
       /* now create the window */
       Desks[i].balloon.w = XCreateWindow(dpy, Scr.Root,
                                         0, 0, /* coords set later */
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