FVWM: FVWM crashes when typing "Q" on Pine

From: Wolfgang Pfeiffer <wolfg.pfeiffer_at_t-online.de>
Date: Sun, 8 Sep 2002 02:53:26 +0200 (CEST)

$ rpm -q redhat-release kernel

$ rpm -qa --last | egrep [f]vwm
fvwm-themes-extra-0.6.1-1 Sat 07 Sep 2002 01:47:37 AM CEST
fvwm-2.5.3-1 Wed 04 Sep 2002 06:15:09 PM CEST
fvwm-themes-base-0.6.1-1 Wed 24 Jul 2002 04:43:23 PM CEST
fvwm2-icons-2.2.4-4 Tue 24 Jul 2001 06:17:20 AM CEST

The problem (the following few lines are also the defintion for what I
call "XCrash" in the rest of this mail)
FVWM crashes when the focus is on an xterm where pine is running
*and* when I type a "Q" or "q" in this situation. Crash means: FVWM,
i.e. the whole X "really" quits, so I have to start another X.

FVWM is started via .xinitrc, either with this entry:
exec /usr/bin/fvwm-themes-start

or this one:
exec /usr/bin/fvwm
(and IIRC it crashes in both cases: fvwm-themes-start or fvwm)

XCrash happens if
Pine is started from .xinitrc with this entry:
xterm -geometry 92x50+1550+60 -e /usr/bin/pine &

No XCrash
with Pine being started from the FVWM root-menu with this
entry in ~/.fvwm/themes/personal/menus-programs (the following is one
line, just in case you see it as two lines in your MUA)
+ "Pine%menu/mail.xpm%" Exec exec /usr/X11R6/bin/xterm -geometry 92x50 -e /usr/bin/pine

No XCrash
if Pine is started from an xterm with this command:
/usr/X11R6/bin/xterm -geometry 92x50 -e /usr/bin/pine &
or with the one I have in .xinitrc

No XCrash
if Pine is started from an xterm with this command:

It *seems* that after FVWM was running about 15 minutes or so this
XCrash problem does not emerge ... which means this Xterm with Pine in
it then is behaving as expected and simply exits without the whole X
going to hell.

This situation seems to be new here: I don't remember having ever seen
it before having installed the new fvwm-2.5.3-1

Best Regards

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