FVWM: Multiple transients getting behind main window

From: Josef Siemes <jsiemes_at_web.de>
Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2002 20:39:34 +0200


I have some problem with transient windows, e.g. in netscape (4.79), also
in java applications.

If I have some transients started from the application the transients sometimes manage
to get behind the main window. For Netscape e.g.:
Netscape -> Settings -> Cache -> Cache Directory. You'll get the main window and
two transients. The problem is: If I click on the title bar from the main netscape
window the second transient (the file-browser) goes behind netscape, while
the first transient (the settings window) stays in front of the main window.
Since netscape wants to have something in the file browser the rest of the windows
are unusable, and the one that's usable is hidden by the others. So I want to have
the file browser before the main window regardless of what I'm doing, or better: all
transients in front of the main window.

Is there any fvwm function that I missed to avoid this? Or do I have to look somewhere
else to get this?

BTW, I use fvwm 2.4.6, 2.4.9 shows the same effect.
In fvwm2rc I have the following things that (AFAIK) refer to transients:
MenuStyle * mwm
Style * MWMButtons, MWMFunctions, MWMDecor, HintOverride
Style * DecorateTransient
Style * RaiseTransient
Style * LowerTransient
Style * StackTransientParent



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