FVWM: Window context Task Bar bug

From: John Latham <jtl_at_cs.man.ac.uk>
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2002 19:21:41 +0100

Hi. I think I have just noticed a bug which I believe might be explained as
follows. In fvwm 2.4.8, when the start button is activated, the menu is run
with no window context, and so any window operations cause the user to first
pick a window. This is good. In fvwm 2.5.{2,3} when the start button is
activated, the menu is run with the taskbar itself as the window context. This
is not good. The up shot is, when say a move operation is chosen from the
start menu in 2.5, it is the task bar that gets moved ! :-)

I recall in some of the early 2.2.x versions, the start menu was invoked with
an illegal window context, which caused FVWM to crash if a window operation
was invoked via it. I suggested a patch at the time to fix it to have the root
window as focus, and sumbitted that to fvwm and to Red Hat. This is probably a
coincidence, but you never know... :-)

Best wishes, John Latham
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