FVWM: .fvwm2rc syntax guide?

From: Len Philpot <len_at_philpot.org>
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2002 22:01:27 -0500

Is there a concise, authoritative guide to the proper syntax,
organization and such of .fvwm2rc contents somewhere? What I see in the
fvwm man page often conflicts with what's in the sample system.fvwm2rc
file and the few pointers I do find in the man pages are scattered and
terse, to say the least.

Sorry if I sound frustrated, but I am...

I've just spent 30 minutes or more with one MenuStyle line trying to get
it to work (without success). Despite close to an hour's work, I've
been unable to get FvwmTaskBar to appear at the bottom of the screen
(despite following the examples from the man page). I can change the
border widths and nothing ever happens. I've used the recommended
geometry, but it always appears at the top of the screen. I'm light
years away from doing anything useful with it, but at this rate I'll
never get there. I'm having the do *EVERYTHIHG* by trial and error,
since the man page is so vague (or maybe I'm just stupid...?).

I'm rapidly reaching my frustration threshold before moving on to
something else.

There has to be somewhere a definition of exactly what is and isn't
allowed configuration-wise, where specific entries need to go,
recommended order, syntax restrictions, case-sensitivity, etc., etc.

If anyone can help, I'd appreciate it. I really like the speed and small
size of fvwm, but the appalling lack of documentation is about to
convince me to look elsewhere...


|  Len Philpot       ><>         http://philpot.org/  |
|  len_at_philpot.org     len_philpot_at_hotmail.com (alt)  |
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