FVWM: xawtv and fullscreen<->window switching

From: Ronald Wahl <Ronald.Wahl_at_informatik.tu-chemnitz.de>
Date: 04 Aug 2002 16:37:30 +0200


I have the following problems with xawtv and fvwm 2.5.2: When I switch
into fullscreen mode then the TV screen is partly outside the physical
screen, i.e. I have only a half TV screen. In this case I need to move
the mouse a bit upward to get the whole TV screen.

The second problem arises when I switch back to "window mode". Then it
happens by a chance of ~50% that the window is black. To get it working
again in _non-fullscreen_ mode I need to restart xawtv. Switching back
from the black window into fullscreen mode works but when I then switch
to "window mode" again the window diappears entirely but I can get it
back if I use the window list module.

It would be nice if someone could fix this strange behavior.


/\/\  Dipl.-Inf. Ronald Wahl                /\/\        C S N         /\/\
\/\/  ronald.wahl_at_informatik.tu-chemnitz.de \/\/  ------------------  \/\/
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