On 11:05 09 Jul 2002, Dominik Vogt <fvwm_at_fvwm.org> wrote:
| On Tue, Jul 09, 2002 at 12:51:01AM -0500, David Fries wrote:
| > Speaking of memory usage, has anyone thought about looking for some
| > memory leaks?
| Yes, we regularly run Purify or a similar tool before major
| releases. In the mean time I frequently use efence to detect
| other memory problems.
| Unfortunately, the information about memory usage that top shows
| has little to do with the real memory consumtion. Chances are
| good that you didn't see a memory leak at all.
Maybe a better question is: Dominik, what FVWM features consume memory,
and at vaguely what rate? I mean here, statements like "a backdrop
image for a menu will cost you XxYx(native X11 bytes-per-pixel)" *
"per menu"/"per use"/"per ...". Little rules of thumb like that, not so
much to locate leaks but to give the byte-thrifty user an idea of how
much penatly they're incurring with their decorations/styles etc.
Cameron Simpson, DoD#743 cs_at_zip.com.au http://www.zip.com.au/~cs/
You need a brain the size of a melon to take it [the Isle of Man TT course]
all in and one the size of a walnut to actually race it. - Peter Salmon
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Received on Tue Jul 23 2002 - 20:55:35 BST