Re: FVWM: front key dies?

From: Dominik Vogt <>
Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2002 21:15:47 +0200

On Tue, Jul 23, 2002 at 02:30:42PM -0400, Louis Rayman wrote:
> Hi!
> I'm running:
> FVWM version 2.4.6 compiled on Apr 23 2002 at 09:11:36
> with support for: XPM, GNOME WM hints, Shape, SM
> on Solaris 8, 2 monitors, no xinerama.
> Every so often, fvwm stops responding to key presses, like alt-tab or front
> (F15). I can't find any pattern as to when it happens.
> any ideas??

Yes. Your Num-Lock, Scroll-Lock or Caps-Lock key is pressed.
>From the fvwm FAQ:

--------------------------- snip ---------------------------
5.5 Why do NumLock, CapsLock and ScrollLock interfere with
     ClickToFocus and/or my mouse bindings?

A: Because they are treated as modifiers. You can use the
   IgnoreModifiers command to turn individual modifiers off for
   bindings. With XFree86 and fvwm version 2.4.0 or above, the
   right command is

     IgnoreModifiers L25

   If you changed your modifiers manually or are using a different
   X server use the 'xmodmap' command to find out which modifiers
   correspond to the keys you want to switch off.

   This command creates a lot of extra network traffic, depending
   on your CPU, network connection, the number of Key, Mouse or
   PointerKey commands in your configuration file and the number
   of modifiers you want to ignore. If you do not have a
   lightning fast machine or very few bindings you should not
   ignore more than two modifiers. So do not ignore scroll-lock
   if you have no problem with it.

   A better way to solve this problem is to modify the keyboard
   mapping of your X server. The commands

     xmodmap -e "clear Lock"
     xmodmap -e "clear Mod2"
     xmodmap -e "clear Mod5"

   remove the CapsLock, NumLock and ScrollLock from the keyboard
   map. Pressing these keys has no effect then. To re-add them
   try this:

     xmodmap -e "add Lock = Caps_Lock"
     xmodmap -e "add Mod2 = Num_Lock"
     xmodmap -e "add Mod5 = Scroll_Lock"

   Fvwm has to be restarted to use the changes made by
   xmodmap. Please refer to the man page of the xmodmap command
   for further details. If you disable the CapsLock key in your
   keyboard map in this way, you can speed up fvwm a bit by
   removing the Lock modifier from the list of ignored modifiers:

--------------------------- snip ---------------------------


Dominik ^_^ ^_^

Dominik Vogt,
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