FVWM: 300+MB for fwvm?

From: David Fries <dfries_at_mail.win.org>
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2002 15:12:42 -0500

I can say for sure that fvwm 2.4.7 is leaking memory per program
window. I don't think the cvs version 2.5.3 is leaking, but I can't
be completely sure. I just ran a bunch of xterms and it seemed fine.

I've included a program to ponder, and I'll suggest using Xnest if
anyone wants to run it, or an X session they don't want to use for a

23686 david 9 0 856 240 616 616 S 0.0 0.1 0:00 FvwmPager
23677 david 9 0 488 112 376 376 S 0.0 0.1 0:00 FvwmTheme
23653 david 9 0 321M 310M 10M 11060 S 0.0 3.5 2:49 fvwm

The program is simple enough, but here's what it does anyway.
1. open X connection
2. create window
3. destroy window
4. go to #2 n times (I'm using 1000000)
5. close X connection

I'm just throwing this program out for anyone to look at if they are
interested, I'm not going to look into it myself. I tried it against
kde maybe I didn't wait long enough (over night) but kde didn't
recover where fvwm fully recovers, although it doesn't give the memory
back to Linux.

On Thu, Jul 11, 2002 at 08:47:37AM +0200, Olivier Chapuis wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 09, 2002 at 12:51:01AM -0500, David Fries wrote:
> > Speaking of memory usage, has anyone thought about looking for some
> > memory leaks? Ok so I've been a lazy Debian user and I'm not up to
> > what's in CVS (2.4.7 right now), but here's what I'm seeing (from top).
> >
> > 668 david 8 0 15300 8948 6352 3440 S 0.0 1.9 3:35 fvwm2
> > after restarting fvwm, same windows etc
> > 668 david 10 0 2468 0 2468 1348 S 0.1 0.7 3:36 fvwm2
> >
> Maybe some part the leaks come from the Xlib. I think that the
> debian package is compiled with --enable-multibyte. There is some memory
> leaks in XCreateFontSet: each time a font is unloaded ~4kb is lost (this
> depends on the font, with an utf8 locale and if you use an iso106464-1
> font with a big coverage this may be a lot more).
> For example:
> - if you delete a window ~4kb is lost (0kb with 2.5.2)
> - if you change your font and you have 20 windows, ~80kb is
> lost (only 4kb with 2.5.2).
> I've recently sent a patch to the XFree developers but no feedback yet ...
> Note that I do not claim that all the leak come from the Xlib,
> it is just a possibility. So one question and one query:
> - Do you do something special regarding the fvwm config
> (as regularly changing some config parameters)
> - Can you send me your config file(s) if this is possible.
> Regards, Olivier

		|      David Fries                |
		|      dfries_at_mail.win.org        |
		| http://fries.net/~david/pgp.txt |

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