Re: FVWM: fvwm.vim: Vim syntax highlighting file ready for testing.

From: Rob 'Feztaa' Park <>
Date: Tue, 09 Jul 2002 19:49:01 -0600

Alas! Mikhael Goikhman spake thus:
> On 09 Jul 2002 08:47:47 -0600, Rob 'Feztaa' Park wrote:
> >
> > I'm looking at some of the config files from fvwm-themes, and everything
> > is slowly getting better and more accurate.
> Run `fvwm-themes-config -e >a_good_huge_test_for_vim.fvwmrc`.

Nah, I don't actually want to /install/ fvwm-themes, so I just
concatenated all of the config files that come with it.

> > Question: For variables, can they be uppercase as well? like $C or
> > $[FOO]. I'm not sure on this. The manpage doesn't say they can't, but as
> > far as I can see, it doesn't show any that are.
> Our own variables may be lower-cased only, shell variables may be
> in any case.

Highlighting shell variables sort of defeats the purpose of only
allowing one-letter variables, and bracketed variables.

For now I think I'll only highlight Fvwm variables, not shell ones.
Maybe I'll work out something in later versions.

> Escaping of backslash, dollar, hash, quotes and others is not easily
> simulated. Another problem is that different commands may parse their
> arguments using different rules.

Hopefully I'll be able to rig up something that works.

> > > * Module aliases (after asterisk) may contain dash, dot and slash.
> >
> > You mean the config stuff, like '*FvwmPager:'?
> Yes, "*FvwmPager-TheLeftOne: ".

Ok, fixed. I haven't had a chance to look at the entire fvwm-themes
config (it's 15474 lines), but so far it seems to look pretty good. More
things need highlighting, but the stuff that is highlighted looks great.

Rob 'Feztaa' Park
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