Re: FVWM: DeIconify does *not* deiconify iconified windows

From: Dominik Vogt <>
Date: Sat, 6 Jul 2002 23:37:54 +0200

On Tue, Jul 02, 2002 at 01:34:45AM +0200, Dominik Vogt wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 01, 2002 at 08:33:18PM +0200, Gerhard Hintermayer wrote:
> > Dominik Vogt wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > Okay, it took me quite some hours to figure this out: It's *not*
> > > a problem with fvwm. Although you can't see it, the application
> > > window *is* mapped. It's just that tk thinks it is not visible
> > > and thus does not draw anything into it. I couldn't find
> > > anything that fvwm is doing wrong. Actually, I couldn't even
> > > find any difference in the requests that wish sends to fvwm -
> > > regardless if the deiconify line is in the code or not. I think
> > > there must be a bug in wish.
> > >
> >
> > Could it be the case,that fvwm>2.2.5 delivers events to "wish" as a different
> > type. The update command distinguishes between all events (no parameter) and
> > idle callbacks (parameter idletasks). Using no parameter for the update there
> > are no problems (if I remember correctly), but that aim't no the way to go.
> > Seems like good old 2.2.5 delivers events the do get processed as idle
> > callbacks, whereas all follow versions don't. I have to take a look at the tcl
> > sources to get an idea, which event's are put into which category.
> Fvwm does not send any events to the application (well, almost,
> there are some cases, but these don't play a role here).

I am mistaken here. These events do play a role. For some reason
(I think to make some other application happy when it starts as an
icon), I forced an UnmapNotify event being sent to the application
before the icon was created. I'm mystified as to why wish thinks
the UnmapNotify negates the MapNotify that arrives later.
Maybe it processes events out of their proper order. Anyway, I've
added a faked MapNotify event that is sent right before the
UnmapNotify, and wish seems to be happy now.

Please consider reporting this problem to the wish developers. I
still think it's a bug in there that may well show other symptoms.
In general processing events out of order - especially events
that are of related types like MapNotify and UnmapNotify - is
dangerous. It usually works as long as not much is happening on
the desktop, but when things get really busy it may cause


Dominik ^_^ ^_^

Dominik Vogt,
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