Re: FVWM: fvwm2 dropped from Red Hat Linux!

From: E Frank Ball <>
Date: Thu, 4 Jul 2002 17:57:15 -0700

On Thu, Jul 04, 2002 at 12:40:43AM -0700, Jukka Lehti wrote:
} I just noticed Red Hat has dropped fvwm2 package from
} their latest beta! I think this is outrageous and we
} should make an official protest against this
} unjustified decision!

Speaking of which, the fvwm2 package in RedHat 7.3 seems to be broken.
I could not get the titles on the buttons on my buttonbar to work. I
tried every possible format for setting the font and labeling the
buttons I could think of. Also there were no fonts shown in the pager.
Finally I dropped in the source: configure, make, make install and
everything is working fine.

The fvwm2 package in RedHat 6.2 and 7.2 seem to be fine.

Anybody else notice this? Anybody get it to work?

RedHat also dropped tin and xv starting with 7.1, two other programs I
can't live without. I'm starting to learn Debian for this and many
other reasons.

   E Frank Ball      
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