(no subject)

From: Malte Schuenemann <malte_schuenemann_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2002 01:24:04 -0700 (PDT)

Running ./configure whe compiling fvwm I get

FVWM Configuration:

  Version: 2.4.8

  Executables: /usr/local/bin
  Man pages: /usr/local/man
  Modules: /usr/local/libexec/fvwm/2.4.8
  Data files: /usr/local/share/fvwm

  With GNOME Window Manager hints? yes
  With GTK support for FvwmGtk? yes
  With GDK Imlib support in FvwmGtk? no: Failed on
gdk-imlib, see config.log
  With GNOME support in FvwmGtk? no: Can't find
working gnome-config
  With Multibyte support? no: Use
--enable-multibyte to enable
  With ReadLine sup. in FvwmConsole? no: Can't find
working libreadline
  With RPlay support in FvwmEvent? yes
  With Shaped window support? yes
  With Session Management support? yes
  With Stroke support? no: Can't find
working libstroke
  With Xinerama support? yes
  With XPM support? yes

Searching for the gdk-imlib I cannot find anything
that seems to fit here to get GDK Imlib support.

What is that GDK Imlib support for ? I don't know
whether I could benefit from it or not ...

Where can I find that GDK Imlib component ?

Regards, Malte

Gruß / regards,
     Malte Schünemann

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Received on Mon Jun 17 2002 - 03:24:36 BST

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