FVWM: Questions on Fvwm page.nx

From: Michael Fischer <michael_at_visv.net>
Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2002 18:15:04 -0400

Mail particularly addressed to Mikhael Goikhman, as
he helped me with this one before...

Problem: trying to get pager/GotoPage "wrap-around".

I use a 4 row desktop. So I assume that the leftmost
page is page.nx == 0, and the rightmost page is
page.nx == 3. Putting the following in my rc and testing
confirms this suspicion.

Key Left A M GotoPage 0 +0p
Key Right A M GotoPage 3 +0p

To address my desire for the wrap-around feature, you once
supplied me with the following:

Key Left A M PipeRead \
        `perl -e 'print "GotoPage ", \
        eval "($[page.nx] + 4) % 5", " +0p"`

Key Right A M PipeRead \
        `perl -e 'print "GotoPage ", \
        eval "($[page.nx] + 0) % 5", " +0p"`

The above did indeed do what I meant, but I wanted to
find a way for my usual page-changing keystrokes (C-Right,
C-Left) to "just work" with the wrap-around as well.

I tried:

Key Left A M PipeRead \
        `perl -e 'print "GotoPage ", \
        eval "($[page.nx] == 0) ? 3 : $[page.nx] - 1", " +0p"`

Key Right A M PipeRead \
        `perl -e 'print "GotoPage ", \
        eval "($[page.nx] == 3) ? 0 : $[page.nx] + 1", " +0p"`

But this does not work. So as a debugging measure, I tried

Key F12 A N Exec exec \
        `perl -le 'print STDERR "current page.nx: $[page.nx]\n", \
        "dest page.nx: ", \
        eval "($[page.nx] == 0) ? 3 : $[page.nx] - 1", "\n"'`

and it turns out (tailing ~/.X.err on SuSE) that I always see
(irrespective of which page I am on):

current page.nx: 0
dest page.nx: 3

So, probably small surprise that my attempt to use the ?: operator
isn't doing what I want...

Could my stupidity, error be pointed out? Or is it a bug?


Michael Fischer				Happiness is a config option.
michael_at_visv.net			Recompile and be happy.
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