FVWM: Fvwm::Module vs Fvwm::Module::Gtk

From: Riswick, J.G.A. van <J.G.A.v.Riswick_at_tue.nl>
Date: Sun, 26 May 2002 01:24:12 +0200


My fvwm module for configuring fvwm is getting along well, and
I decided to add a gtk dialox box for browsing a color-schemes
directory. After an evening of programming, (and missing wagner's
'parsifal' in cologne, which I wanted to visit, but forgot), I
got a dialog box working to select a color scheme. Unfortunately,
when acually calling the function to update the colors, this turned
out not to work anymore.

Initially, in the program (without gtk box) i used the definition:

    $module = new FVWM::Module(
           Mask => (M_STRING|M_NEW_DESK),
           SyncMask => M_STRING, # needed to process message
           Name => "FvwmCDEmu", # needed for *MyMenuCreator: config value

in this program, communication between fvwm and the module worked fine,
(using module->sendText() in the handler for M_STRING.
the colors updated as they should. To add a gtk dialog box, I replaced
this definition by the following:

    my $module = new FVWM::Module::Gtk(
            Mask => M_WINDOW_NAME | M_ERROR | M_STRING | M_NEW_DESK,
            SyncMask => M_STRING, # needed to process message
            Name => "FvwmCDEmu",

now, the dialogbox appeared as it should, but communication doesn't seem
to work anymore. Should it in principle be possible to use such a
declaration for a gtk module?

best regards


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