Re: FVWM: Startup

From: Mikhael Goikhman <>
Date: Mon, 20 May 2002 13:24:05 +0000

On 16 May 2002 16:02:29 -0400, Stephen Dennison wrote:
> When fvwm starts up, I can see the background being set, I see the
> applications start up for the pager, and then they are swallowed by the
> pager and somewhere along the way the banner pops up just before Fvwm is
> done loading.

You probably mean applications swallowed by FvwmButtons, not a pager.
You may specify a geometry for such applications that is out of the
screen. Search for "-geometry" in the FvwmButtons man page.

> Is there some sort of support in fvwm to show a splash screen, wait for
> fvwm to finish starting up, and then display the desktop? (Would
> FvwmBanner do something like this for me without using too large of an
> image?) This would hide the background stuff and make the startup look
> better on my system.

You may add such splash yourself if you want. Here is an idea for 2.4.x.
Add these lines as the first lines of your .fvwm2rc:

  Style MySplash NoTitle, NoHandles, BorderWidth 0, Layer 12
  Exec exec xeyes -name MySplash -fg rgb:88/77/55 -bg rgb:55/44/33 -outline rgb:aa/a0/80 -center rgb:ef/d8/90 +shape -g $[vp.width]x$[vp.height]+0+0

And these lines as the last lines of your .fvwm2rc:

  AddToFunc InitFunction I All (MySplash) Close
  AddToFunc RestartFunction I All (MySplash) Close

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