FVWM: tearoff menus and scroll-bars

From: Riswick, J.G.A. van <J.G.A.v.Riswick_at_tue.nl>
Date: Sat, 18 May 2002 15:35:03 +0200


I just tried the last snapshot of fvwm and I think it's great!
Particularly, I like the tearoff menus. I like to use
this for easlily trying different color schemes. In my setup
I have a menu which is built from a directory containing a number
of color scheme files. Clicking on the menu then instantly applies
color scheme to fvwm and all gtk applications. Without tearoff
menus, one needs to walk through a tree of menus for each
scheme to try. But with a tearoff menu, one can just click a number
of them, a bit like when using a dialog box.

A problem with this
however, arises when the number of entries in the menu gets large.
One then gets a 'more' entry on the bottom of the menu. I wondered
if it is possible to use scrollbars in this case, instead of the 'more'
menu at the bottom, so that one can scroll through all menu items.
 I tried FvwmScroll, but that doesn't work: the menu entries dissapear
as soon as I applied FvwmScroll to the torn of menu window. Is there
a way to apply scroll-bars to a torn of menu that has too many items
to display at once?

best regards

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Received on Sat May 18 2002 - 08:35:53 BST

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