FVWM: Problems with TitleStyle/MultiPixmap in 2.5.1?

From: Steve Talley <stephen.talley_at_sun.com>
Date: Sat, 27 Apr 2002 23:11:18 -0600


In the new 2.5.1 release, it looks like TitleStyle/MultiPixmap no
longer works. I see only a grey box where the pixmap title bar should
be. This worked fine in 2.5.0.

Here are the relevant lines from my setup:

    ImagePath +:/home/talley/.fvwm/decors
    TitleStyle ActiveUp MultiPixmap Main sweetpill_jade/title_active.xpm, LeftEnd sweetpill_jade/titleleft_active.xpm, RightEnd sweetpill_jade/titleright_active.xpm
    TitleStyle ActiveDown MultiPixmap Main sweetpill_jade/title_active.xpm, LeftEnd sweetpill_jade/titleleft_active.xpm, RightEnd sweetpill_jade/titleright_active.xpm
    TitleStyle Inactive MultiPixmap Main sweetpill_jade/title_inactive.xpm, LeftEnd sweetpill_jade/titleleft_inactive.xpm, RightEnd sweetpill_jade/titleright_inactive.xpm
    TitleStyle -- Flat
    BorderStyle -- HiddenHandles !NoInset Raised
    TitleStyle Centered Height 16

I also use the sweetpill_jade pixmaps with ButtonStyle, and the
buttons come out fine. Only the main titlebar pixmap is missing.

Running strace/truss I see fvwm successfully finds and opens the
appropriate pixmap files for the title bar, so it doesn't look like a
path problem.

Any ideas? Again, this worked fine in 2.5.0.

BTW, this is a fantastic window manager. Keep up the great work!


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Received on Sun Apr 28 2002 - 00:19:34 BST

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