FVWM: Problem with FvwmTheme

From: Rahul Rekapalli <rahulrekapalli_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2002 13:12:12 +0530

I recently checked out the latest build from CVS and compiled and
installed Fvwm. in my .fvwmrc, I have defined gradients using Colorsets as

*FvwmTheme: Colorset 1 ....HGradient....
*FvwmTheme: Colorset 2 ....VGradient....

and i loaded the FvwmTheme module as
ModuleSynchronous Timeout 5 FvwmTheme.

This used to work perfectly with 2.4.x versions.

in the new version, I get the message FvwmTheme is obsolete, please
refer to colorsets section of fvwm(1) man page. As a result, No
gradients are rendered at all.

My query is that if FvwmTheme is obsolete, how can i define new
colorsets. Please help me.


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