FVWM: fvwm2, xterms and applications

From: John Cessor <johnc_at_darkel.com>
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 16:15:38 -0500

Howdy Folks
I am trying to get fvwm2 to behave in such a way as to allow me to have
an application open (in my case remedy), open an xterm and grep for
data from a file and while it is on top of my application click a diary
so i can cut and paste the data from the xterm into the diary. The
is that when I click the diary button it kicks my xterm to the back of
application and I have to cycle through everything on my desktop to get
the xterm back on top. Is there a way to keep the xterm on top of the
application? Any help on this problem would be appreciated.
I am using solaris 8 on an ultra 10 with FVWM version 2.4.4.

John Cessor

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Received on Wed Mar 20 2002 - 15:12:46 GMT

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