Re: FVWM: FakeClick command / window placement

From: Dominik Vogt <>
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2002 11:15:37 +0100

On Mon, Mar 18, 2002 at 09:48:06AM +0100, wrote:
> Hi there,
> Can fvwm simulate the press of mouse button 2 which inserts usually
> the X-selection. I would like if the paste command which is bound to
> button2 could be bound to a key combination as well. How about using
> the FakeClick command for this problem? I just ask since the man page
> says this command is for debugging purpose and may not work. Maybe
> somebody has another idea to get this key binding done.

>From the FAQ:

-------------------------------- snip -------------------------------
3.5 You can bind mouse movements to keystrokes, how about mouse

A: Although fvwm has commands for binding movements to keystrokes,
   controlling the pointer with the keyboard should really be handled by
   the X server. The following is an excerpt of the X FAQ on this topic:

      If you have the X Keyboard (XKB) Extension, you can enable mouse keys,
      which makes it possible to generate mouse motion and button events
      using the keyboard. Events generated by MouseKeys are completely
      transparent -- they will work with any application that connects to a
      server that has the X Keyboard Extension, regardless of whether the
      application itself uses XKB.

      XKB is enabled by default in X11R6.1.

      First, set up the Num Lock key so that Shift+Num_Lock toggles mouse keys:

       xmodmap -e "keysym Num_Lock = Num_Lock Pointer_EnableKeys"

      (XFree86 3.1.2E is based on R6.1 and has the X Keyboard Extension;
      it also has a binding to Pointer_EnableKeys in its default keymap.
      You use Alt+Shift+Num_Lock to toggle MouseKeys on and off. If you
      are using an earlier release of X or XFree86, you won't have XKB and
      the instructions will not work. See for
      more information.)

      You might also have to turn off server num lock for this to work.
      Now press "Shift+Num_Lock" to enable MouseKeys. When MouseKeys are on:

      o) The keypad arrow keys move the pointer
      o) The keypad '5' key behaves like the 'default' pointer button
      o) The keypad '0' key locks the default pointer button (for easy
      o) The keypad '.' key unlock the default pointer button (to release
           a drag)
      o) The keypad '+' key double-clicks the default pointer button.
      o) The keypad '/' key sets the 'default' button to Button1
      o) The keypad '*' key sets the default button to Button2
      o) The keypad '-' key sets the default button to Button3

      This is the default configuration, but the mechanism allows for nearly
      infinite configurability.

      [thanks to Erik Fortune (, 6/96]
-------------------------------- snip -------------------------------

> The second question is about window placement. On my desktop there is
> a button bar on the right side and the task bar in the bottom. Both
> are sticky. I use the MinOverlapPlacement style. Is it possible to
> tell fvwm new placed windows should not overlap the button bar and
> the task bar but may overlap any other window or that new windows
> should be placed only in a given rectangle? Both would have the same
> effect.

Yes, with 2.5.0 or later with the PlacementOverlapPenalties and
PlacementOverlapPercentPenalties styles. Refer to the man page to
find out how they work exactly, I did't try them myself.


Dominik ^_^ ^_^

Dominik Vogt, email:
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