FVWM: FvwmButtons problems..

From: John Smith <ludwicza_at_telus.net>
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 16:03:05 -0800

Ok, so I've got this configuration, and I have problems:

Module FvwmButtons

(Further down)

*FvwmButtons: Back black
*FvwmButtons: Fore red
*FvwmButtons: BoxSize smart
*FvwmButtons: Columns 5
*FvwmButtons: Geometry 400x112+0-0
*FvwmButtons: ButtonGeometry 100x100
*FvwmButtons: (Swallow XEyes 'Exec xeyes -bg black -fg red')
*FvwmButtons: (Swallow xbiff 'Exec xbiff -bg black -fg white')
*FvwmButtons: (Swallow xosview xosview)
*FvwmButtons: (Swallow XLoad 'Exec xload -update 1 -bg black -fg white -font 5x7
*FvwmButtons: (2x2+2+0, Swallow XClock 'Exec xclock -bg black -fg white -hd dark
blue -hl cyan -bd purple -chime')
DestroyFunc xosview
AddToFunc xosview
+ I Exec xosview -name BarXosview -xrm 'xosview*background:black' -load \
+mem -net +cpu -int -swap -page -battery -disk -geometry 100x50+0-0 -font 5x7 \

The geometry doesn't work at all. It becomes a tiny 50x20 window at +0+0

I also tried passing -g in the Module line, but it still doesn't work. :(
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Received on Sun Mar 10 2002 - 18:04:45 GMT

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