Re: FVWM: pixmaps

From: Dan Espen <>
Date: Fri, 08 Mar 2002 17:38:40 -0500

jlf <> writes:
> hello, i am having a hard time getting my images to properly load. in
> fact, i can't get ANY of them to load to do anything -- for titlebar, for
> buttons. i've tried doing everything i can imagine to the ImagePath
> setting. my question is, does this setting of the imagepath save across
> calls to read?? i've even tried putting seperate imagepath settings in
> each of my child-setting files.
> nothing seems to be working, please help.. :-)

First fvwm has to be built with xpm support.

Run the command "fvwm-config -s" and make sure it
lists xpm.

If it does, run "fvwm-config -I". That lists your default
image path. If you put icons there, you won't have to fool
with your imagepath in your config file.

If you can't put images there, post the fvwm version you
are using, and the relevant parts of your config.

Dan Espen                           E-mail:
444 Hoes Lane  Room RRC 1C-214      Phone: (732) 699-5570
Piscataway, NJ 08854
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Received on Fri Mar 08 2002 - 16:44:41 GMT

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