Re: FVWM: FvwmIconMan instead of regular icons?

From: Dominik Vogt <>
Date: Thu, 7 Mar 2002 10:31:07 +0100

On Wed, Mar 06, 2002 at 11:42:54PM -0800, John Smith wrote:
> Hi, I'm still a bit new to fvwm2, but I'm starting to really like it. I
> have a question though. How do I get things to minimize to FvwmIconMan
> instead of an icon? Basically, I want to disable using icons entirely,
> and just use a WindowList or FvwmIconMan to restore windows.

There is no magic here. Simply disable the use of icons:

  Style * NoIcon

(you may have to remove some "Icon" styles too), and add a
FvwmIconMan configuration. Mine looks like this (excapt colours):

  *FvwmThemeColorset 2 fg red, bg green
  *FvwmThemeColorset 6 fg blue, bg yellow, SGradient 100 red green
  # run FvwmTheme before anything else is done
  ModuleSynchronous Timeout 5 FvwmTheme

  Style FvwmIconMan NoTitle, Sticky, NoHandles
  Style FvwmIconMan WindowListSkip, CirculateSkip
  *FvwmIconMan*Action Mouse 3 N sendcommand close
  *FvwmIconMan*FollowFocus true
  *FvwmIconMan*Font 5x7
  *FvwmIconMan*Format "%t"
  *FvwmIconMan*ManagerGeometry 2x5
  *FvwmIconMan*Resolution page
  *FvwmIconMan*Title ""
  *FvwmIconMan*UseWinList true
  *FvwmIconMan*Action Mouse 2 N sendcommand Focus
  *FvwmIconMan*Colorset 6
  *FvwmIconMan*FocusColorset 2
  *FvwmIconMan*FocusAndSelectColorset 2
  *FvwmIconMan*PlainColorset 6
  *FvwmIconMan*SelectColorset 6
  *FvwmIconMan*TitleColorset 6
  *FvwmIconMan*FocusButton up
  *FvwmIconMan*PlainButton up
  *FvwmIconMan*SelectButton flat
  *FvwmIconMan*FocusAndSelectButton flat
  *FvwmIconMan*TitleButton flat

  AddToFunc StartFunction
  + I FvwmIconMan


Dominik ^_^ ^_^

Dominik Vogt, email:
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