Re: FVWM: Binding actions to sliding panels

From: Mikhael Goikhman <>
Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2002 15:39:22 +0000

On 18 Feb 2002 12:41:47 +0000, Thomas Adam wrote:
> As many of you know now, I have a sliding panel at the
> bottom of my screen (similar to that found in KDE).
> However, the problem I am having at the minute, is
> that when I open the panel so that it slides out, it
> covers some of the windows already on my page.

Well, the "standard" solution in EWMH (exterded window manager hints) for
this problem is defining a working area that is dynamically changed when
a panel (or other similar compliant app) is open/closed. The maximized
applications are automatically resized accourdingly to the new dynamical
working area (this may be configured).

I think it works as expected for the KDE panel in 2.5.x.
But FvwmButtons panels do not set EWMH hints, so this can't be used here.

> What I would like to happen, is that when I open the
> sliding panel, for all windows on that page to have
> their lower border to be raised to a certain pixel
> height, thus in psuedo-code:
> 1. When sliding panel opens
> 2. Raise all windows to the followinf specs:
> maximize "ALL WINDOWS" 100 435p
> and when I close the panel, to put the windows back
> how they were originally. Is this possible???
> I have been reading the man pages, and I know how to
> do this (sort of), it is just getting it to happen
> after the panel has been open/closed.

When the panel is open, as usual, add_window event is sent, and when it is
closed destroy_window is sent.

You may Maximize on FvwmEvent's add_window using:

  WindowId $0 ("FvwmButtons-MyPanel") All (!Iconic, !Shaded) Maximize ...

But unfortunately you can't do the same on destroy_window. Id is passed
without problems, but WindowId $0 does not match, since there is no such
window mapped already. I don't know whether this may be fixed.

So, no ready solution for you, just some hints.

> Furthermore, since this sliding panel is sticky, how
> does this affect the other windows when I change to
> other pages/desks???

How effects what? Maximize of windows on all pages?

Here is a simple hint that one may use in 2.5.x:

  EWMHBaseStrut 0 0 0 64

This instructs FVWM to try not to put any windows (this affects placement
and Maximize) into the bottom 64 pixels gap, leaving it for the panel.

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