Re: FVWM: RaiseLower without ClickToFocus

From: szonyi calin <>
Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 17:44:11 +0100 (CET)

 --- hugo vanwoerkom <> a
écrit : > If I do not use the ClickToFocus style (the
> approach) then RaiseLower raises the next window as
> it
> should. If that is a small window that sits on top
> of
> a larger one, then as soon as I move the mouse over
> the larger one, the smaller window that was raised
> will disappear again because of the `Unix approach`,
> i.e. the lack of ClickToFocus. Is there a solution
> to
> that without reverting to ClickToFocus?
> Hugo Van Woerkom

You can use the FvwmAuto module to perform this task
and specify a delay after it will raise the window

After the initialization section of your .fvwm2rc
you use :
+ "Immediate" Module FvwmAuto 750

And if it a window you want to keep on top of others
you can use
Style "your_window_name" AlwaysOnTop

Hope it helps

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Received on Thu Jan 31 2002 - 10:44:37 GMT

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