Re: FVWM: Names/explanations of behavior

From: Dominik Vogt <>
Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 01:50:09 +0100

On Sun, Jan 27, 2002 at 03:03:11PM -0800, hugo vanwoerkom wrote:
> --- Dominik Vogt <> wrote:
> > Strange. Can you please post your whole FvwmTaskBar
> > configuration? What fvwm version do you have?
> >
> I have version 2.4.4 Attached is the whole thing. The
> TaskBar part is the very end. Thanks for the quick response.

I see a few problems in your config file, but they don't eplain
everything you said:

> #AddToFunc DeiconifyRaiseAndFocus
> + I Iconify off
> + I Raise
> + I Focus

You can't comment out just the first line. The commands are added
to the last function you defined, in this case to window_ops_func
which is defined 250 lines above. But probably you wanted to use
that function below, so use

  AddToFunc RaiseAndFocus
  + I Iconify off
  + I Raise
  + I Focus


> # Only right btn iconifies none other works
> *FvwmTaskBarAction Click1 RaiseAndFocus
> *FvwmTaskBarAction Click2 Close
> *FvwmTaskBarAction Click3 Iconify On

You don't have a "RaiseAndFocus" function in your config file.
All you get is an error message on the console when you try to
call it. It looks as if you renamed the RaiseAndFocus function to
DeiconifyRaiseAndFocus some time but forgot to. I can't explain
why button 2 does not work for you. Does it work anywhere else,
e.g. to paste text that was marked with button 1 in an xterm?
Sometimes, applications can't be closed with "Close", but this
should happen rarely. "Destroy" always works, but kills the
application without giving it a chance to save its data.

> # This way left button iconifies none others work
> *FvwmTaskBarAction Click3 RaiseAndFocus
> *FvwmTaskBarAction Click2 Close
> *FvwmTaskBarAction Click1 Iconify On

Just what I'd expect

> # This way left button Raises and Focuses
> *FvwmTaskBarAction Click3 RaiseAndFocus
> #*FvwmTaskBarAction Click2 Close #
> #*FvwmTaskBarAction Click3 Iconify On #

Yes. You only have bound the undefined function, so the default
bindings are used. The deafult action on the left button is to
raise, deiconify and focus the window. Since button 2 does not
even work with the default binding I believe the mouse is not
configured properly. If you run

  $ xev

and click with the middle button in its window you should get
output similar to this:

  ButtonPress event, serial 27, synthetic NO, window 0xe00001,
      root 0x57, subw 0x0, time 2861645936, (138,72), root:(888,94),
      state 0x0, button 2, same_screen YES

  ButtonRelease event, serial 27, synthetic NO, window 0xe00001,
      root 0x57, subw 0x0, time 2861646018, (138,72), root:(888,94),
      state 0x200, button 2, same_screen YES

If not, the button is definitely not configured right (or simply


Dominik ^_^ ^_^

Dominik Vogt,
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