FVWM: window placement

From: David <cupcake_at_otaku.freeshell.org>
Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2002 14:11:24 GMT

Hi Neil,

You wrote:

> I am running fvwm2 version 2.4.4 and find that the window placement
> algorithm is overriding the position which the Java application I am
> running is specifying. Is it possible to configure fvwm2 so that
> position specified by applications is honored when specified?

I have been having some discussions about this lately with fvwm
support and I think there are still some unresolved problems
with fvwm window placement.

First, there may be a problem with XFree86. Try running your application
in twm and/or mwm which come with XFree86 and see if you still have the
problem. If so, then it probably is a problem with XFree86, and I don't
think you will get much help from the fvwm group.

Second, try this group again showing that it works in the other
window managers and not here.

I think you will not benefit from playing with the resources mentioned
in the other email

  Style my-java-app UsePPosition

These are style options for placement where the app does not specify

I have a specific problem with placement also. If I create a popup
window like this:

        ac = 0;
        XtSetArg( al[ac], XmNautoUnmanage, FALSE); ac++;
        XtSetArg( al[ac], XmNresizePolicy, XmRESIZE_NONE ); ac++;
         = XmCreateBulletinBoardDialog( TheTopShell, "loginpopup", al, ac );

And then use the .Xdefaults for placement:

        mtest1*loginpopup.x: 442
        mtest1*loginpopup.y: 94
        mtest1*loginpopup.width: 500
        mtest1*loginpopup.height: 320
        mtest1*loginpopup*lbl_caption.x: 0
        mtest1*loginpopup*lbl_caption.y: 10
        mtest1*loginpopup*lbl_caption.width: 480
        mtest1*loginpopup*lbl_caption.labelString: LOGIN SCREEN

Then the loginpopup.x and .y will be totally ignored even though
for example the loginpopup*lbl_caption.x will be honored: this is
the same in twm and mwm, and probably is a bug in XFree86.

If I add

        mtest1*loginpopup.geometry: 500x320+442+94

Then the geometry specification 500x320 is honored in twm
and mwm, but not in fvwm and I think probably is a bug in fvwm.

Could the problems in your Java application be connected to this?

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