FVWM: [FVWM][LOG] in 2.4.x, x>0

From: Moritz Barsnick <barsnick_at_gmx.net>
Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 18:46:00 +0100


[I'm not subscribed to the list, but do read it on the Web after asking
 questions ;-)]

I suppose it is since updating from fvwm-2.4.0 to 2.4.4, I get these
log messages on my console:

[FVWM][LOG]: 18:36:00 158 Raise
[FVWM][LOG]: 18:36:22 2216 Raise
[FVWM][LOG]: 18:36:22 10 GotoPage 0 1
[FVWM][LOG]: 18:36:23 94 Raise
[FVWM][LOG]: 18:36:39 1614 Raise

And so on. Very informative, but I don't really want them normally. :)

I don't know what has changed between these versions (well, I _do_
know, I can see the ChangeLog ;->). I suppose it has something to do

My build configuration was identical for both versions:

--enable-static --enable-shared --with-glib-prefix=/opt/proj/WDM/tools
--with-gtk-prefix=/opt/proj/WDM/tools --with-gnome=/usr/local
--enable-gnome --enable-move-bug-workaround --with-imlib-prefix=/usr/local
--without-mit-ext --enable-command-log

Could it be that the meaning of "--enable-command-log" has changed? A
look at configure.in tries to tell me that it now has the functionality
which used to be in "--enable-debug-msgs"?

Is there any way I can set this log off through runtime configuration?
Or "Misc Config Opts"¹? :)

Or do I have to rebuild?


¹ In my menues, this is things like "ChangeDefaultFocus SloppyFocus".
  Copied with pride.
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Received on Tue Jan 15 2002 - 11:46:08 GMT

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